Meet Our Patients
Meet Aubrey
Aubrey was a patient at Circle the City’s Midtown Medical Respite Center for the past two weeks. After almost five years of living on the street, Aubrey had a life-changing, debilitating incident. After a brutal surprise attack from two men, Aubrey found himself in the emergency room for a couple of weeks and then in the hospital undergoing multiple surgeries. Once released from the hospital, Aubrey was able to be transferred to Circle the City’s Midtown Medical Respite Center.
Most recently, all the patients at the Midtown Medical Respite Center created a Vision Board, which are pictures communicating their personal goals. Aubrey’s board shows success in work, personal growth, and giving back to the community. The plans have begun for Aubrey to move forward and get back into the workforce. Circle the City has helped him apply for his State ID, secure housing, and obtain food assistance to help until he is working again.
“Circle the City changed my life – this was part of my journey and has now created the path for me to restore my life.”
– Aubrey