AZ Big Media: Amazon donates hundreds of shoes for Phoenix homeless
CTC Newsroom: Circle the City in the News

Amazon has donated 640 pairs of tennis shoes and sandals to Phoenix-based Circle the City that will be distributed to people facing homelessness in Maricopa County as a way to promote sustainability and support the community.
Shoes and footwear are always in need and are critical to the health needs of the homeless. Many people facing homelessness have aged and worn footwear which leads to many chronic illnesses and health issues, said Kim Despres, a registered nurse and CEO of Circle the City.
“Huge thank you and appreciation to our corporate citizens like Amazon for stepping up to the plate and helping with this great need,” Despres said. “This generous gift will help hundreds of lives and allow people to live a little easier.”
“Circle the City does such important work in our community,” said Alyssa Grunow, area manager of Amazon’s PHX3 fulfillment center and leader of the Women at Amazon affinity group. “Women at Amazon (WatA) is the global affinity group for women, non-binary employees and allies. The mission of Women at Amazon is to make Amazon the premier global destination for women across job functions. Part of that mission brings us opportunities to use our skillsets and resources to benefit the immediate needs of the community.”
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