Circle the City opens family health center to serve those facing homelessness

CTC Newsroom:  News

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For those who live on the streets, a visit to the doctor might be necessary, but it’s mostly out of reach. Thanks to a new facility in central Phoenix, those days are over.

A new primary healthcare facility that specializes in serving the population facing homelessness opened Sept. 1. Circle the City staff, volunteers and dignitaries squeezed tightly into the waiting room of The Parsons Family Health Center for the grand opening.

The 9,000-square-foot facility sits north of St. Joseph Hospital at Third Avenue and Osborn and will offer comprehensive medical care plus integrated psychiatric care, behavioral health therapy and case management services. It’s the fourth major Circle the City outreach since 2012.


Media Inquiries:

Hunter Scott
Director of Marketing & Communications


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